
იუნა შაფათავა ნიუ-იორკში გაშიშვლდა

«ქართველი ემიგრანტი ნიუ იორკში» .

იუნა შაფათავამ სოციალურ ქსელ ინსტაგრამზე შიშველ სხეულში გადაღებული ფოტოები გამოაქვეყნა.

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Odalisque moderne💫 Style and setting for /in collaboration with dear Eka Esebua #newyorkfilmacademy project « Georgian Immigrant women » in New York Love this #parajanov semi #matisse impressionism oriental moroccan fusion we have here (we all know i DON’T SMOKE!) Wish Eka success in her project and hope I dont frighten everyone with my carelessness… yeah btw i looove my new apt we are sharing the secrets … #nude #artists #georgianartists #actress #femmeheureuse #happywoman (Eka needed a tragic image of a suffering woman not me not me definitely🙈) #naturalwoman #womanwithcharacter #strongwomen #newyorklife #georgianphotographer #americanphotographer #photography #fusionstyles #boho #bohostyle #artistlife #loidattraction #wehaveagoal 💫 ps sorry for this nonsense paint scratches on my body — this is communistic censorship called “moral” in soc networks “point of view” 😹

A post shared by Yuna Shapatava (@yunashapatava) on


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